
Lab members

Szymon Świeżewski, PhD


I work on seed biology focusing on DOG1 as a model gene to study gene expression regulation in plants.
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Krzysztof Kokoszka, PhD

Lab manager

I did my PhD in Andrzej Jerzmanowski laboratory on histone H1. Since 2010 I am working as a lab manager supervising all the crazy people working in the lab. 
In free time I love cycling and gardening. 
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Lien Brzeźniak, PhD


Gene expression is regulated at many steps. Some of the regulatory mechanisms are general to all organisms, some are unique. I am interested in general transcription regulators, how they work in plants and how their function is different from yeast or humans. I use seed dormancy as a feature that is heavily impacted by various external and internal factors, and DOG1 - as an extensively regulated model gene.

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Michał Krzysztoń, PhD


I am fascinated by the regulation and mechanisms of global shifts in gene expression at both the transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels during seed maturation and imbibition. Additionally, my research delves into exploring the variability among individual seeds and its significance in the regulation of dormancy.  

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Ruslan Yatusevich, PhD


DOG1 is well known master regulator of seeds dormancy in plants and main subject of study in Swiezewski laboratory as a model gene.
My research interests are focused on understand epigenetic mechanisms related to antisense transcription regulation and hormonal signalling pathways as well as identification of novel transcriptional regulators involved in primary and secondary seed dormancy. The research project is supported by NCN OPUS grant (UMO-2018/31/B/NZ3/03363)
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Sebastian Sacharowski, PhD


I am a proud member of Swiezewski lab. I love my boss Szymon and I take all his advices seriously and never ever disobey his orders. In between coffee drinking, I try to uncover the regulatory role of non-coding RNAs in gene expression regulation and how these changes regulate seed dormancy.
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Ce Wang

PhD student

My supervisor - Szymon Swiezewski teaches me at any time always trust yourself, keep thinking and to be brave, everything will develop from imperfection to perfection. In my eyes, the art of science is mostly like a dream, just imagine and it will be truly possible.
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Magdalena Wrona

PhD student

Even though I have worked on various organisms, plant biology has always been my main area of interest. Working with seeds, especially as small as Arabidopsis, taught me patience and persistence and how to be a real scientist. And although I have been a cat lover since my early childhood, thanks to working at the Swiezewski lab, I found a special place in my life for DOG1.
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Veena Mavatkar  

PhD student

Hi, I'm Veena H.M., a seed whisperer. I study how seeds decide when to wake up and grow, or stay asleep and chill. I use fancy techniques to unravel the mysteries of posttranscriptional steps in seed dormancy. When I'm not talking to seeds, I like to spice up my life with Indian cuisine and party with my friends. I'm always up for a good laugh and a good curry.

Małgorzata Marczak

"A scientist in his laboratory is not a mere technician: he is also a child confronting natural phenomena that impress him as though they were fairy tales."
Marie Curie

Former members


  • Arkadiusz Ciesielski, PhD
  • Elżbieta Lewandowska-Gnatowska
  • Ewa Krzywińska, PhD
  • Zbigniew Pietras, PhD
  • Anna Kozłowska-Makulska, PhD
  • Julia Zinsmeister, PhD

PhD students

  • Grzegorz Brzyżek, PhD
  • Miguel Coelho, PhD
  • Yanwu Guo, PhD
  • Halina Fedak, PhD
  • Aleksandra Kmera, PhD
  • Justyna Kowalczyk, PhD
  • Katarzyna Krzyczmonik, PhD
  • Małgorzata Palusińska, PhD
  • Ferran Sanchez, PhD
  • Agata Wróblewska-Świniarska, PhD


  • Julia Bernfeld
  • Paweł Mikulski
  • Karol Rogowski
  • Aleksandra Śliwa
  • Paulina Brodacka
  • Tomasz Kalinowski
  • Małgorzata Dobrzańska
  • Emilia Cepowska
  • Katarzyna Jędrzejowska