
2024-2027 OPUS project from NCN

project title:

Virus-triggered seed dormancy control


2021-2026 OPUS project from NCN

project title:

Posttranscriptional reshaping of mRNA pool in seeds.

project leader: Michał Krzysztoń


2019-2022 OPUS project from NCN

project title:

Uncovering novel secondary seed dormancy regulators Arabidopsis.

project leader: Ruslan Yatusevich


2018-2020 HOMING-POWROTY project from FNP

project title:

Gene-loops and antisense transcription as mediators of stress memory in plants.

project leader: Lien Brzeźniak


2019-2024 | Sonata-Bis project from NCN

project title:

Bet-hedging in plants - multi level analysis of seed dormancy variability - from singel cell to population


2017-2020 | TEAM project from FNP

project title:

Antisense transcription requirement for plant external environment sensing

more info

2017-2020 | OPUS project from NCN

project title:

Molecular mechanisms of splicing dependent transcription elongation check point


2010-2014 | TEAM project from FNP

project title:

Widespread and potent non-coding RNA in plants genome regulation, development and evolution.

project number: TEAM2010-5/9


2010-2013 | LIDER project from NCBiR

project title:

Molecular mechanisms of preharvest sprouting


2011-2015 | EMBO Installation grant